Member-only story
The Truth About Fitness: Animaniacs On Nutrition: And The Belly Roll
Fitness is a decision we make multiple times a day. When we’re tired, hungry, and annoyed.
We tell ourselves fitness is easier now than it’s ever been.
That fancy watches, space-age sweat-wicking gear, and a gym on every corner will give us the upper hand.
Then the temperature increases, we’re busy, stressed, starving, and still have to workout.
That’s when fitness fails, and we understand a few critical truths: The world is trying everything it can to knock us off track, ice cream always sounds better than broccoli, and fancy gadgets are mostly expensive distractions.
Simplex sigillum veri — simplicity is the sign of truth.
The truth is fitness is inconvenient, tedious, endless, and everything but easy.
Precisely as it should be.
Fitness is a decision we make multiple times a day. When we’re tired, hungry, and annoyed.