The Best Workout Is The One I Didn’t Want To Do

Some days you’ll want to do anything but train. Congratulations. Those are the best days.

Josh Bunch
2 min readDec 11, 2022

Most days are challenging.

You get up, look at your schedule, and swear it doubled overnight. You wonder how you’re gonna get it all in. The work, the family, the friends … the fitness.

Training is most important those days. The days you don’t want to, but you do it anyway.

Fitness is inconvenient and uncomfortable. That’s what makes it rewarding.

Netflix is easy and entertaining. That’s what makes it hollow.

For something to be truly worth it, we need to earn it. There must be buy-in. We have to have skin in the game.

That’s why the first rep is so hard, why it takes fifteen minutes to tie your shoes some days, and why you stay in bed arguing with yourself before you train. Because it’s not meant to be easy, comfortable, or entertaining.

It’s meant to be effective.

Moreover, it’s meant to be worth it. And creating worth requires effort. The more we give of the latter, the more we gain from the former.

Some days you’ll want to do anything but train. Congratulations. Those are the best days. The days you don’t want to, but you did anyway.

“I write only when inspiration strikes. Fortunately, it strikes every morning at nine o’clock sharp.” — W. Somerset Maugham



Josh Bunch

Bunch is one of those rare humans who only talks about what he knows; fitness, food, philosophy, and movies. And puppies.