Is Foam Rolling For You?; Progress Over Performance; And The Art Of Getting Up

You focus on progress when you’re finally tired of jumping through hoops and ready to get serious about making changes that matter.

Josh Bunch
2 min readDec 3, 2023

Performance first.

I’ve always liked that idea. Instead of worrying over weight or obsessing over biomarkers, we practice moving better, and getting stronger. And as a result, those metrics like bodyweight and blood pressure — and many more — improve.

But what happens when focusing on performance goes wrong?

You know what I mean if you have been coaching for decades like I have. One athlete watches the performance of another and judges their own effort as subpar.

We can argue all day about the mindset shift that needs to happen and the horrors of comparison. Still, the reality is, at least at that time in their life, focusing on performance isn’t helping.



Josh Bunch

Bunch is one of those rare humans who only talks about what he knows; fitness, food, philosophy, and movies. And puppies.