If Fitness Is So Good For Me, Why Does It Hurt?

Josh Bunch
3 min readAug 4, 2019


Have you ever went to a movie starring one of your favorite actors, only to be disappointed because the movie sucked (cough, cough — Green Lantern)?

Well, that’s pretty much fitness. At least at first anyway.

We go in with all this motivation, thinking it’s going to be a summer blockbuster. A thrill ride that goes from good to transcendent. Then perception meets reality, and we can’t walk up the stairs the next day.

What gives? How can fitness possibly feel bad? How can so many “experts” be wrong? How can finally doing what I’ve always been told is the best thing for me, feel like the worst?

These are great questions. Questions we need to ask, with answers that might surprise you. Mysteries that may have puzzled you in the past, or may continue to do so to this day.

But first, let’s get something out of the way: you’re not the problem, so you can quit that mess right now. For that matter, neither is your coach. And more than likely, you didn’t do too much or choose the wrong training program or permanently break yourself. Nothing near that serious. And certainly nothing to panic about. In fact, it’s much simpler than that.

If you’ve been resting for decades, moving is going to be just about the most uncomfortable thing you can do. But That doesn’t mean it’s the wrong thing. It’s just different. It’s the same if you’ve been exercising and suddenly add intensity or even new movements. You’re asking your body to do something unusual, and no matter how good for you it may be, your body will fight.

The discomfort will dissolve, and you’ll eventually feel better than you ever have, but it takes time. And before that, you might hit a few bumps along the way. Not mountains or even large hills; just bumps.

If this sounds crazy, stick with me, it’s actually pretty freeing. You see, when most out us start a new fitness routine (or add to a method that’s going well), be it walking, or jogging, or Yoga, or CrossFit, we think any discomfort is a sign we’re doing something wrong. But the majority of the time, it’s the exact opposite.

Here’s another way to think about any change in your routine, be it physical, mental, or both: When we first learn to walk, we fall all the time. But we keep trying. Is falling unhealthy? Is learning to walk the wrong thing to do? What if we stopped the first time we fell? Imagine a world of adults, who could walk, but decided to crawl for fear of stumbling?

Your lower back might ache. At times, fixing your hair might feel like the hardest thing you’ve ever done. And you might even feel like someone ran over your legs with a steamroller. And that’s fine. We’ve all been there.

The trick is not letting the bumps steal your destination. Take it slow, maybe even change routes, but keep moving. Always keep moving. Put in the time and keep the faith, and Green Lantern just might become Deadpool.



Josh Bunch
Josh Bunch

Written by Josh Bunch

Bunch is one of those rare humans who only talks about what he knows; fitness, food, philosophy, and movies. And puppies.

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