Close The Door

Or maybe you just get a moment to focus on something other than yourself and your circumstances.

Josh Bunch
2 min readFeb 13, 2022

It’s easy to get lost.

To go hours on autopilot.

To get to where you’re going and have no clue how.

Even easier to wake up a month from now and wonder what just happened? Unsure of where all that time went, much less of what you accomplished.

That’s why, today more so than ever before, it’s so important to create habits that force us to pay attention.

Habits like Closing The Door.

Think back to the last time you opened a door in public. Now try and remember if you closed it.

Did you take the time to make sure there wasn’t anyone leaving behind you, someone you could hold the door for? And if so, did you look at them? Not all creepy like, but just glance. Smile, maybe, even if it’s uncomfortable.

Who knows, maybe you’d be the first person to smile at them in a week. It’s not hard to play that



Josh Bunch

Bunch is one of those rare humans who only talks about what he knows; fitness, food, philosophy, and movies. And puppies.