Overcoming Chronic Pain Without Surgery Part FIVE: 10 Minute Squat Test: And Schopenhauer On…Harping on it only makes it worse.1d ago1d ago
Overcoming Chronic Pain Without Surgery Part Four: Loaded Cat Cows: And William JamesEverything else, no matter how bad it seemed, resulted from avoiding discomfort.Mar 2Mar 2
Overcoming Chronic Pain Without Surgery Part Three: Two ISOs You Can Do Right Now: And SenecaAny language that makes it seem like the pain will persist into the future is unacceptable.Feb 23Feb 23
Overcoming Chronic Pain Without Surgery Part TWO: More Tissue Therapy: And Buzz Williams SpeaksDenying or trying to pretend pain doesn’t hurt only pisses us off.Feb 16Feb 16
Overcoming Chronic Pain Without Surgery Part One: Aggressive Tissue Treatment: And MurakamiBe an athlete instead of a patient.Feb 9Feb 9
Correction Over Compliment: One Minute Posture Work: And Tom Hardy On Minding Your Own BussinessHate confirmation. Love correction. The more uncomfortable, the better.”Feb 2Feb 2
The Story We Say: Leg Swing 101: And Peter Boghossian On TruthMost of us express more self-fulfilling prophecies than we can count.Jan 26Jan 26
Finding The Signal: Painful Arc Fix: And Epictetus On DramaThis is about when things go wrong, and a familiar narrative infects the future.Jan 19Jan 19
Writing About Cookies: 20 Inchworms/Day: And Judson Brewer’s Rule OneWhen I’m angry, I write. When I’m happy, I write. When I’m sad, I write a lot.Jan 12Jan 12
You’re Not Special: Two Steps To A Better Deadlift: And Katy Milkman On Your Next ReadAt some point, someone just like us made it. They lost the weight, lifted the barbell, passed the test, and cured the disease.Jan 5Jan 5